
Dr. Gabriel Wade is a board certified anesthesiologist by training, musician, and healer by heart. He has 2 wonderful children who are his main focus in life.

He also finds time for other pursuits involving helping others.

He has been an anesthesia attending physician for the last 10 years and has worked in multiple facilities with many different types of patients.

In his time he has noticed how mental health is a large part of every situation, wether the person is considered to have a mental health condition or not, the need for mental health is universal.

This is why he has branched out into holistic healing that involves the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual approach to helping someone reach their full potential.

Gabriel is also a multi-instrumentalist and uses his music production for healing.

He has come up with a unique style of making music that is derived from the energy of the client or other participant.

He then creates a specific healing vibrational song that they can always listen to to embody that healing energy from the session, where their intention was amplified.

Hence the name of his music label, Muse Music LLC.

His energy healing includes physical, mental, spiritual, emotional healing, and manifestation of specific goals.

He is a talented seer and light worker, making him all encompassing in the energy world to get any result needed for the client.

He is also a spiritual advisor and teaches classes in metaphysics and spiritual concepts.

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